Descriptions need to be short and sweet. No need to include the name of the organization or your role (that should already be listed). You have 150 characters, so choose your words wisely!
Player on a Club / Community Sport Team Key player on competitive, traveling team coached by former NBA player; several first-place tournament trophies; advanced to national tournament Pianist Trains up to 10 hours per week with a private instructor to improve musical abilities; performs in nursing homes and malls; competes in quarterly recitals Weight Lifter Train up to twenty hours per week to improve health and physique; measurable results include 30 pound weight loss over six months Woodworking Self-taught wood-working skills; builds items such as furniture, wall decor, and containers Youth Group Participates in weekly Bible studies and monthly worship events; assists with outreach activities to attract new members Programming Self-taught Python by watching YouTube videos; regularly studies and implements lessons to master skills; wrote a program with interactive animation Amateur Investor Learn about stocks by reading books and online articles; created a profitable investment portfolio; competes in fantasy stock trading competitions Caretaker Assists with caring for elderly grandmother; responsibilities include meal preparation, cleaning, mobility assistance and scheduling doctor's visits